Monday, May 18, 2009

Antiques - Collectibles still useful stuff

Several years ago my husband and I started collecting various antiques. We weren't particular at first as we just bought things we loved, then it happened. We ended up with too much stuff, so much that we had to start getting rid of our precious items. This is when we started renting a space in a local antique mall. For over 7 years now my husband and I have bought, sold and given away all kinds of antique and collectible stuff. I mention the given away part only because of the economic times we are in and that most months we either just make rent on our little booth or we have to pay a little. This makes a good tax write off but not good business, so we go back to the hobby of collecting the things we love.

This blog will be about finding those special items that make a home wonderful and unique. It could be a handmade item from long ago or a collectible that was once a useful home item. I may even throw a few crafty things in here from time to time to spruce up those great finds into something usable for today.

Where to find great used stuff? There are several places, but I'm one that likes to touch and feel before I know the saying "buyer beware", this is the case when buying antiques and collectibles on the Internet. I'm not saying not to buy on the Internet, but you need to find a reputable dealer, view the photos closely and ask questions before you purchase via E-Bay, Craig's List or another site. My favorite places is antique malls, estate sales, garage sales and auctions. Check out your local auctions and start visiting them. They have great items that folks have to get rid of and don't want to mess with an estate or garage sale. My husband wrote a comical blog a couple of years ago about attending auctions and how to do it or not do it the way we did, but I can't find the link. I'll look for it again and post it later as it is worth reading.

I'll leave you with this photo from a post on one of my other blogs. These are unusual items that you can find at an antique mall. Some of these are great and some are just bizarre.

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